Tuesday, October 11, 2011


For Friday: everyone, please fill in the "work submitted for assessment declaration form" for project 2 (you can find it at the end of the course outline).

In case that you filmed/ took photographs of real people: please let them sign a consent form so that I am officially allowed to present your movies to future students or use it in publications. Please download it here: http://www.firstyeardesign.com/files/consentformvideoimages.pdf


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nero vision + integrating Flash tutorial

Please note that we changed the output size you should aim for to 1280x720 pixel.

This tutorial contains relevant information for the completion of your movie.

We have about 15 Flip cameras that you can check out at the shop (return next working day in the morning). Please note, that those cameras might need recharging before use.